A Long Break, My Return and Chia Seeds

For many of us life gets a bit crazy we get overwhelmed and things get placed on a back burners – that is life.  For me the first thing that gets placed on hold is my blog as much as I love writing it takes time to do so and sometimes there just is not…

Paleo Chocolate Mint Bars

I had been craving a Aero Peppermint bar for weeks now; every time I walked in a corner store I would pick one up then put it back. The issue is that an Aero Peppermint bar contains multiple ingredients that I don’t consume due to food sensitivities and health choices. sugar  ~  modified milk ingredients…

Verticalove Q&A with Rain

Fran Mackenzie connected me with some of the Verticalove performers, each performer was sent the exact same set of questions to answer. Q&A with Rain from Mississauga, ON (age 32) Is that your real name or a stage name: It’s my stage name in downtown Toronto. Age: 32… grrr I am getting old. Home town: Originally I was Born in Taiwan. …

Chromageddon ~ Alter Ego 2015

My tickets have been secured (Section 1, Row C, Seats 7&8 – don’t be shy come and say hi to me) and a babysitter has been booked (actually 2 babysitters but that is another story).  Like last year’s Chromageddon Geoff is joining me and we are making this a date night. Last year I was still…

Finding Your Freestyle

If you know me as a dancer by now you probably know that I love to freestyle I find it freeing. For so many dancers freestyle is daunting and scary something that is feared.  I will be honest freestyles have not always come to me easily, I remember feeling awkward; having no clue what to…

Establishing, Reaching and Maintaining your Goals

Anyone that has successfully reached any type of goal knows to make a realistic plan is key.  For example: if you have never exercised a day in your life and your goal is to be active 5 times a week, start slow. Maybe go with twice a week for a few weeks then slowly increase it to…

Vegan Pumpkin Soup

I made pumpkin soup for our Easter supper appetizer. This is a wonderful super simple and quick soup to make. Makes 4 servings. Ingredients: 1 small red onion diced 3 cloves garlic minced 1 1/2 tsp olive oil 1 can of pumpkin 1 cup water 1 vegetable bouillon cube 1/8 tsp ground ginger 1 1/2…

Custom Leggings For One Super Kid – Part 1

Most of my regular readers know by now that I have a super awesome 7 year old son that is just as much a monkey as I am. C has been taking arial silks classes for almost a year and has been doing circus since he was 5 years old. The most frustrating part about having…

GTA Pole Studio Diaries – Brass Vixens Queen West Location

Last January I started my pole travels beyond my home studio and decided it would only be fitting to re-visit the studio that caused me to fall in love with pole as my first location – Brass Vixens Queen West Location. I bought myself a 10 class punch card and started checking out the schedule to see what…

Nothing beats home.

Many of you are aware of my travels from studio to studio within the GTA. I have yet to nearly come close to visiting all the studios however I am already seeing a trend. I can’t help to compare all the studios that I visit to Pole Inc. Here are just a few of the…